Creation of the block statue Psalm 139 - 2005

The block statue is a type of memorial statue that first emerged in the Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. Block statues consist of a man squatting with his knees drawn up to his chest and his arms folded on top of his knees. Often, these men are wearing a "wide cloak" that reduces the body of the figure to a simple block-like shape. The base is often inscribed with hieroglyphics providing information about the portrayed.

The consolidated Form and the reticent dignity have faszinated me for a long time.
The Psalm 139 is inscribed around the base of the sculpture block statue – Psalm 139. Theme of the Psalm is God’s complete knowledge and care for people. What especially speaks to me is the assurance that somebody knows me through and through. I cannot and do not need to pretend.

This knowledge (You created every part of me; you put me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because you are to be feared; all you do is strange and wonderful. Psalm 139, 13-14) is the core of men’s dignity and therefore provides information about

2005 formation "block statue" step 1
2005 formation "block statue" step 1
© Marianne Kantert